Free copies (accepted version) of all the published papers can be found here.
Sketched Equivariant Imaging Regularization and Deep Internal Learning for Inverse Problems G. Xu, J. Li and J. Tang arXiv preprint.
Gaussian Processes Regression for Uncertainty Quantification: An Introductory Tutorial J. Li and H. Wang arXiv preprint.
Inverse Gaussian Process regression for likelihood-free inference H. Wang, T. Yu, Z. Ao and J. Li, arXiv preprint.
ODEs learn to walk: ODE-Net based data-driven modelling for crowd dynamics C. Cheng and J. Li, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2024).
NF-ULA: Langevin Monte Carlo with Normalizing Flow Prior for Imaging Inverse Problems Z. Cai, J. Tang, S. Mukherjee, J. Li, C. Schonlieb and X. Zhang, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 17 (2024).
Deep Unrolling Networks with Recurrent Momentum Acceleration for Nonlinear Inverse Problems Q. Zhou, J. Qian, J. Tang and J. Li, Inverse Problems 40 (2024).
On estimating the entropy gradient in Bayesian Experimental Design Z. Ao and J. Li, Proceedings of the 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2024).
Domain-decomposed Bayesian inversion based on local Karhunen-Loève expansions Z. Xu, Q. Liao and J. Li, Journal of Computational Physics 504 (2024).
Approximate Primal-Dual Fixed-Point based Langevin Algorithms for Non-smooth Convex Potentials Z. Cai, J. Li and X. Zhang, Communications in Mathematical Sciences 22 (2024).
Sampling-based adaptive design strategy for failure probability estimation T. Guo, H. Wang, J. Li and H. Wang Reliability Engineering & System Safety 241 (2024).
VI-DGP: A variational inference method with deep generative prior for solving high-dimensional inverse problems Y. Xia, Q. Liao and J. Li, Journal of Scientific Computing 97 (2023).
Parameter estimation from aggregate observations: A Wasserstein distance based sequential Monte Carlo sampler C. Cheng, L. Wen and J. Li, Royal Society Open Science 10 (2023).
Entropy Estimation via Uniformization Z. Ao and J. Li, Artificial Intelligence 322 (2023).
Multicanonical Sequential Monte Carlo Sampler for Uncertainty Quantification R. Millar, H. Li and J. Li, Reliability Engineering & System Safety 237 (2023).
On multilevel Monte Carlo methods for deterministic and uncertain hyperbolic systems J. Hu, S. Jin, J. Li and L. Zhang, Journal of Computational Physics 475 (2023).
Affine-mapping based variational ensemble Kalman filter L. Wen and J. Li, Statistics and Computing 32 (2022).
Control variate with dimension reduced Bayesian Monte Carlo sampler X. Cai, J. Xiong and J. Li, International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification 12 (2022).
Entropy estimation via normalizing flow Z. Ao and J. Li, Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2022).
Ensemble Kalman filter based Sequential Monte Carlo Sampler for sequential Bayesian inference J. Wu, L. Wen, P. L. Green, J. Li and S. Maskell, Statistics and Computing 32 (2022).
Clustered active-subspace based local Gaussian Process emulator for high-dimensional and complex computer models J. Xiong, X. Cai and J. Li, Journal of Computational Physics 450 (2022).
Increasing the efficiency of Sequential Monte Carlo samplers through the use of approximately optimal L-kernels P. L. Green, R. E Moore, R. J Jackson, J. Li and S. Maskell, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 162 (2022).
Maximum conditional entropy Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampler T. Yu, H. Wang and J. Li, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 43 (2021).
Ordering leads to multiple fast tracks in simulated collective escape of human crowds C. Cheng, J. Li and Z. Yao, Soft Matter 17 (2021).
Bayesian inverse regression for dimension reduction with small datasets X. Cai, G. Lin and J. Li, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 91 (2021).
Bayesian optimization with local search Y. Gao, T. Yu and J. Li, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization and Data Science (LOD 2020).
An approximate KLD based experimental design for models with intractable likelihoods Z. Ao and J. Li, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2020).
A defensive marginal particle filter for data assimilation L. Wen, J. Wu, L. Lu and J. Li, SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 8 (2020).
Bayesian inference and uncertainty quantification for image reconstruction with Poisson data Q. Zhou, T. Yu, X. Zhang and J. Li, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 13 (2020).
Nonlocal TV Gaussian prior for Bayesian inverse problems with applications to Limited CT Reconstruction D. Lv, . Q. Zhou, J. Choi, J. Li and X. Zhang, Inverse Problems and Imaging 14 (2020).
An adaptive reduced basis ANOVA method for high dimensional Bayesian inverse problems Q. Liao and J. Li, Journal of Computational Physics 396 (2019).
A weight bounded importance sampling method for variance reduction T. Yu, L. Lu and J. Li, International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification 9 (2019).
A two fold structural classification method for determining the accurate ensemble of protein structures P. Tan, Z. Fu, L. Petridis, S. Qian, J. Li and L. Hong, Communications in Computational Physics 25 (2019).
Gradual cross over from sub diffusion to normal diffusion: a many body volume exclusion effect of protein surface water P. Tan, Y. Liang, Q. Xu, E. Mamontov, J. Li, X. Xing and L. Hong, Physical Review Letters 120 (2018).
An approximate empirical Bayesian method for large scale linear Gaussian inverse problems Q. Zhou, W. Liu, J. Li and Y. M. Marzouk, Inverse Problems 34 (2018).
Adaptive Gaussian process approximation for Bayesian inference with expensive likelihood functions H. Wang and J. Li, Neural Computation 30 (2018).
An adaptive independence sampler MCMC algorithm for Bayesian inferences of functions Z. Feng and J. Li, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40 (2018).
A subset multicanonical Monte Carlo method for rare failure probability estimation X. Chen and J. Li, Journal of Computational Physics 344 (2017).
A hybrid adaptive MCMC algorithm in function spaces Q. Zhou, Z. Hu, Z. Yao and J. Li, SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 5 (2017).
A derivative free trust region method for reliability based optimizations T. Gao and J. Li, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 55 (2017).
On an adaptive preconditioned Crank–Nicolson MCMC algorithm for infinite dimensional Bayesian inference Z. Hu, Z. Yao and J. Li, Journal of Computational Physics 332 (2017).
Efficient Particle Filtering for stochastic Korteweg de Vries Equations F. Bao, Y. Cao, X. Han and J. Li, Stochastics and Dynamics 17 (2017).
A cross entropy method accelerated derivative free RBDO algorithm T. Gao and J. Li, International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification 6 (2016).
A surrogate accelerated multicanonical Monte Carlo method for uncertainty quantification K. Wu and J. Li, Journal of Computational Physics 321 (2016).
A TV Gaussian prior for infinite dimensional Bayesian inverse problems and its numerical implementations Z. Yao, Z. Hu and J. Li, Inverse Problems 32 (2016).
A path based method for simulating large deviations and rare events in nonlinear lightwave systems J. Li and W.L. Kath, Studies in Applied Mathematics 136 (2016).
Gaussian process surrogates for failure detection: a Bayesian experimental design approach H. Wang, G. Lin and J. Li, Journal of Computational Physics 313 (2016).
A note on the Karhunen Loeve expansions for infinite dimensional Bayesian inverse problems J. Li, Statistics and Probability Letters 106 (2015).
A frozen Gaussian approximation based multi level particle swarm optimization for seismic inversion J. Li, G. Lin and X. Yang, Journal of Computational Physics 296 (2015).
Error analysis for numerical implementation of particle filter X. Han, J. Li and D. Xiu, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - series B 20 (2015).
Adaptive construction of surrogates for the Bayesian solution of inverse problems J. Li and Y.M. Marzouk, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 36 (2014).
Extracting solitons from noisy pulses J. Li and W.L. Kath, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 72 (2012).
An efficient surrogate based method for computing rare failure probability J. Li, J. Li and D. Xiu, Journal of Computational Physics 230 (2011).
Outage statistics in the waveplate hinge model of polarization mode dispersion J. Li, G. Biondini, W.L. Kath and H. Kogelnik, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology 28 (2010).
On approximating strongly dispersion managed solitons J. Li, Communications in Computational Physics 6 (2009).
Anisotropic hinge model for polarization.mode dispersion in installed fibers J. Li, G. Biondini, W.L. Kath and H. Kogelnik, Optics Letters 33 (2008).
Noncompliant capacity ratio for systems with any numbers of polarization hinges J. Li, G. Biondini, H. Kogelnik and P.J. Winzer, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology 26 (2008).
Noise induced perturbations of dispersion managed solitons J. Li, E. Spiller and G. Biondini, Physical Review A 75 (2007).